Trauma is a physiological injury that can be healed. Trauma memories are stored in a different part of our brain. Healthy memories are stored in a part of our brain that contributes to the richness of our lives. Trauma affects a part of our brain that is connected to the amygdala. This part of the brain is the primitive part of our brain. It is partially responsible for the chemical factories that control our dopamine’s serotonins, hormones, cortisol, ect..
There are different kinds of trauma experience that create different affects. If you have experienced a recent trauma, the sooner the injury is reset, restoring inherent health, trauma can be a distant memory. If it is not treated the risk of creating another trauma event is increased. When trauma builds upon more trauma event’s, complex trauma can develop. If trauma happens in childhood, development trauma affecting developmental stages, can create a life time of PTSD symptoms.
PTSD occurs when trauma is untreated. Depending on the severity of the trauma experience, ie, developmental, complex or one time recent trauma, will determine the treatment path.
I approach healing from an eclectic theoretical perceptive which includes Depth (Jungian) and evidence based trauma protocols. I am EMDR certified combining the exploration of the unconscious and sub-conscious patterns. Carl Jung coined the term “complex’s”, which can develop through simultaneous coping mechanisms, defense and reaction mechanisms’ causing an interweave of overwhelming emotions. Fight, flight, freeze, and faint accompany the emotional body, creating escalated feelings such as anger, anxiety, or sadness which causes the inability to regulate emotional outbreaks. I work with you to find your unique path to unwind these systems to achieve the brains original inherent health.